About Us

Our Constitution



Amendments to the constitution may be initiated by a member or a by a committee.

The proposed amendment shall be publicized thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

The proposed amendments may be voted upon, with amendments, at the meeting and passed with a two-third votes of those present at the National Convention.

The amended constitution shall be reprinted and distributed to members.



I.   Eligibility to Vote in and Election Year

A chapter shall be eligible to vote in an election year on the following conditions:

  1. The Chapter shall have completed all processes for National Membership;
  2. All outstanding dues should have been paid in full; and
  3. The chapter has been active in the National Executive Council and sending representation to the National Executive Council Meetings for a period of not less than six (6) calendar months.

II.  Eligibility to Present Candidates for National Office in an Election Year

A chapter shall be eligible to present candidates for election into National Office upon satisfying the provisions of Article XII Section I of this constitution.